Diversity and Equality data for the firm

In July 2015 employees at the firm were asked to complete a “Diversity Questionnaire” in line with the requirements of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).  We received a total of 31 completed questionnaires which represents about 50% of the entire workforce of the firm including partners.

The results are summarised and published below, and have been shared with the SRA.   Please note that although the questionnaire we used is in the format approved by the SRA , and included questions about sexual orientation and religion/belief,  the SRA guidance notes on publication make it clear that we are not required to publish any of the data provided relating to the sexual orientation or religion/belief of our workforce.  This data is therefore excluded from the below.  

1.       Role categories

Partner  5     Solicitor  5    other fee earning role  6   Role directly supporting a fee earner  9 Managerial roles 1 other employee or staff member 5

 2.       Age categories

 Age  16 –24      3

         25 – 34     7

         35 – 44     10

         45 – 54     3

         55 – 64     8

         65+            0

3.       Gender

          male  3     female  28 

 4.       There were questions asking if anyone considered that he/she had a disability ( as defined in the Equality Act ) and if anyone considered that their activities were limited because of a long term health problem or disability. The vast majority said “no” to both questions.

5.       Ethnic group

 There was a vast choice of ethnic groups to choose from but all who replied said “white British “.

 6.       There were a number of questions relating to socio – economic background ( education ) and caring responsibilities.

 (a)    Did you attend a state or fee paying  school between ages of 11 – 18 ?   —  all said state school.

(b)    If you went to university were you part of the first generation of your family to do so?  —    yes  10   no   4  didn’t attend university  17 

(c)     Are you a primary carer for a child/children under 16 ?    yes  13   no   18 

(d)    Do you in effect provide care to family members/friends/neighbours because of their age, illness , disability etc ?    no 23    yes  6  prefer not to say  2

 If you have any questions regarding the data above, or regarding the Equality and Diversity policies at the firm please contact our office manager Marie Healy.



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